Course Schedule

Course Schedule

Week One (August 18 - 24): Course Overview

Week Two (August 25 - 31): Quarto / RMD / ggplot

HW2 (Due Tuesday August 27 - submit via gradescope)

Video Resources:

Reading Resources:

Tuesday August 27:

Thursday August 29:

Week Three (September 1 - September 7): Coding basics and importing data

HW3 (Due Tuesday September 3 - submit via gradescope)

Video Resources:

Reading Resources:

Tuesday September 3:

Thursday September 5:

Week Four (September 8 - September 14): dplyr & Tidy Data & Joining Data

HW4 (QMD Source) (Due Tuesday September 10 - submit via gradescope)

Video Resources:

Reading Resources:

Tuesday September 10:

Thursday September 12:

Week Five (September 15 - September 21): ggplot layers

HW5 (QMD Source) (Due Tuesday September 17 - submit via gradescope)

Video Resources:

Reading Resources:

Tuesday September 17:

Thursday September 19:

Week Six (September 22 - September 28): Advanced Data Visualization

HW6 (Due Tuesday September 24 - submit via gradescope)

Video Resources:

Reading Resources:

Tuesday September 24:

Thursday September 26:

Week Seven (September 29 - October 5): Advanced Data Wrangling: Strings, Factors, Date/Time

HW7 (QMD Source) (Due Tuesday October 1 - submit via gradescope)

Video Resources:

Reading Resources:

Optional Reading:

Tuesday October 1:

Thursday October 3:

Week Eight (October 6 - October 12): Midterm Exam

Previous Take Home Exams

Previous In Class Exam

Tuesday October 8:

Thursday October 10:

  • In class exam.

Week Nine (October 13 - October 19): R Shiny

Tuesday October 15:

Thursday October 17:

Week Ten (October 20 - October 26): Maps

HW8 (Due Tuesday October 22 - submit PDF screenshot via gradescope)

Tuesday October 22:

Thursday October 24:

Week Eleven (October 27 - November 2): Conditional Logic, Loops, & Simulations

HW9 (Due Tuesday October 29 - submit PDF screenshot via gradescope)

Tuesday October 29:

Thursday October 31:

Week Twelve (November 3 - November 9): R Functions and Packages

Tuesday November 5th:

Thursday November 7th:

Week Thirteen (November 10 - November 16): Predictive Modeling

Tuesday November 12th:

Thursday November 14th:

Week Fourteen (November 17 - November 23): Project Presentations

Tuesday November 19th:

  • Project Demos

Thursday November 21st:

  • Project Demos

Week Fifteen (November 24 - 30): Fall Break

Monday November 25:

  • Project Dashboard Submission Due at 11:59 PM (Submit to D2L)

Week Sixteen (December 1 - December 7): Debugging/Review

Tuesday December 3:

Thursday December 5:

  • Class Review
  • Final Exam Take Home Assigned (Submit to gradescope. Due Friday December 13 at 8:00 AM)

Week Seventeen (December 8 - December 14): Finals Week

Tuesday December 10:

Course Syllabus

A PDF of the syllabus can be downloaded with this link.

This course provides an overview of statistical computation and data visualization.

Learning Outcomes:

Students will:

  1. To become literate in statistical programming using R and SAS,

  2. To learn to effectively communicate through visual presentation of data, and

  3. To understand and imitate good programming practices.


  • STAT 337, or equivalent.

Textbooks and Resources (all optional or free)

  1. R for Data Science, 2nd Edition, by Hadley Wickham, Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel, and Garret Grolemund. Free at

  1. ModernDive: An introduction to Statistical and Data Sciences via R, by Chester Ismay and Albert Kim. Free at

  2. Visualize This: The FlowingData Guide to Design, Visualization, and Statistics, by Nathan Yau, 2011.

  3. The Art of R Programming: A Tour of Statistical Software Design, by Norman Matloff, 2011,

  4. R cheatsheets.

Course Policies

The course will be taught from a flipped perspective. Prior to attending class on Tuesdays, students will watch short online videos and submit homework assignments. Tuesdays will review online video lectures and include interactive computing components. Thursdays will be group labs which focus on implementing the programming covered during the week.

Grading Policy

  • 5% of your grade will be determined by short weekly homework assignments that correspond to watching online videos. Homework will be collected via gradescope.

  • 25% of your grade will be determined by group labs. Labs will be in-class group assignments conducted every Thursday. The labs will be designed to be completed in 75 minutes; however, there may be times that groups need to finish labs outside of class time. Labs will be submitted via gradescope.

  • 25% of your grade will be determined by a midterm exam. The midterm exam will have two parts: an in class exam and a take home portion.

  • 25% of your grade will be determined by a final exam. The final exam will have two parts: an in class exam and a take home portion.

  • 20% of your grade will be determined by a course project. The course project will focus on advanced data visualization to create a dashboard using R Shiny.


University policy states that, unless otherwise specified, students may not collaborate on graded material. Any exceptions to this policy will be stated explicitly for individual assignments. If you have any questions about the limits of collaboration, you are expected to ask for clarification.

In this class students are encouraged to collaborate on labs and homework assignments, but exams should be completed without collaboration. Additionally the course project can be completed in groups of up to 3 students.

Citing Sources

When submitting work, please cite all sources and inspiration for your submission.

Academic Misconduct

Section 420 of the Student Conduct Code describes academic misconduct as including but not limited to plagiarism, cheating, multiple submissions, or facilitating others’ misconduct. Possible sanctions for academic misconduct range from an oral reprimand to expulsion from the university.

Disabilities Policy

Federal law mandates the provision of services at the university-level to qualified students with disabilities. If you have a documented disability for which you are or may be requesting an accommodation(s), you are encouraged to contact the Office of Disability Services and the instructor as soon as possible.