Project Overview
STAT 408 has a course project worth 20% of the final grade. The project will be completed individually or as a group of two using a dataset of the student’s choosing to create a Shiny dashboard / app.
More detailed evaluation rubrics are provided below:
- Intermediate Dashboard Submission: 10%
- Peer Feedback: 10%
- Oral App Demonstration: 30%
- Shiny Dashboard Features and Functionality: 50%
- September 17: Choose dataset & preliminary data visualization
- October 22: HW 8 (visualization inside Shiny)
- October 29: HW 9 (visualizations inside Shinydashboard)
- November 5: Intermediate Dashboard Submission
- November 12: Intermediate Submission Feedback Due
- November 19 & 21th: In class App Demonstrations
- November 25: Dashboard Submission
Students will submit a functional app and source code for peer review. For full credit (10% of the project), the submission must include code that:
- Creates a functioning shiny app (no errors)
- Code should be correctly formatted, clearly commented, and easy to follow
- Uses the
app with at least 3 tabs
- The first tab should be a landing page that describes your dataset and presents the questions / hypotheses you’ll be exploring
- The second / third tabs should include dynamic figures controlled by at least one widget.
Peer Feedback
Throughout the course of the project you will be asked to evaluate classmates coding and presentation. Timely, thoughtful, and respectful comments will be expected as part of this component and will warrant full credit. There will be two places feedback is provided:
- The week of Nov 5 through Nov 12, the intermediate submission will be reviewed as part of a code review.
- Be nice (it’s a work in progress), but be helpful!
- Verify that points 1 through 5 are satisfied.
- Summarize at least one thing you like about the dashboard.
- Summarize at least one thing that could be improved with the dashboard.
- Include your three paragraphs as commented code at the start of the R shiny app
- The in class app demonstrations
In class App Demonstrations
Demonstrations of the Shiny app will occur the week of November 17 and November 19. Each student will introduce the dataset and research questions they were hoping to address. Then the features and functionality of the app will be displayed.
Approximately 11 students will present their projects on each day. For full credit, the apps should:
- Be between 3 & 5 minutes
- Include sufficient motivation and description of the dataset
- Present questions or hypothesis to explore with the dataset
- Demonstrate the interactive features of the app (to address questions / hypotheses)
- Include a meaningful summary to wrap up the presentation
- Provide thoughtful answers to any class questions
Shiny Dashboard Features and Functionality
Students will submit a final app, which will be due after the in class demos. Similar to the intermediate submission, the final app should:
- Creates a functioning shiny app (no errors)
- Code should be correctly formatted, clearly commented ,and easy to follow
- Uses the
app with at least 4 tabs, potentially more
- The first tab should be a landing page that describes your dataset and presents the questions / hypotheses you’ll be exploring
- The second / third tabs should include dynamic figures controlled by at least one widget. There should be multiple kinds of widgets and at least one other output type in addition to the figures.
- The final tab should include a place for summarizing your findings related to the dashboard